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(519) 258-3668

283 St Rose Ave
Windsor, ON N8S 1X1

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Foot and Ankle Surgery

foot surgery

Foot surgery is performed for certain foot conditions after conservative treatments have been exhausted. Factors that determine whether or not you are a surgical candidate include: overall healing capabilities, the severity of symptoms, as well as the response to conservative, noninvasive treatment methods.

Common foot problems that may require surgery include: bunions, hammertoes, corns/calluses, arthritis, tendon disorders, Morton’s neuroma, soft tissue cysts, and plantar fasciitis. When required, pre-op and post-op x-rays are taken at our clinic.

In order to best prepare for surgery, make sure you have a consultation with your podiatrist about your overall health. Discuss all changes in medications and allergies, and ask questions.

The recovery period will vary case by case depending on your condition and the surgical procedure performed. Generally, it’s recommended that you ice the affected area, reduce weightbearing activity, and keep the foot elevated to minimize swelling. In some cases, you may need a surgical shoe, a walking cast, crutches or a cane.

If you’d like to determine whether surgery is the best option for you, consult with a podiatrist who will be able to give you a proper diagnosis and aid you with your decision.

Call (519) 258-3668 to book an appointment.

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